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A Message from Kirsten


The basics for what I call SHAPE were taught to me by two very gifted chiropractors and healers Dr. Victor Frank and Dr. Jaqueline Paltis.


Dr. Frank put what he learned from many different teachers together in one place and shared this with me. This particular technique works so well because it allows the body to decide what is done and in what order to do it.


Since these two have passed away I realized that this body of knowledge should not be allowed to fall forgotten, so after receiving the blessing of Victor’s daughter, Lorann who teaches her own healing art, I began writing down what I had been taught in what I hope is a simple and understandable way.


I pray many lives are changed and healed as a result of the sharing of this gift and that all who learn it will pass it on!

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Welcome to The Wellness Spot! 


This is the culmination of centuries worth of knowledge and discovery. We've built on the teachings of a plethora of doctors, chiropractors, and health care practitioners who came before us to create a technique that we believe is incredibly effective and genuinely helps people become well.


We operate based on the fundamental belief that these techniques passed down through generations should not be forgotten.

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